יום שלישי, 15 ביוני 2010

Harry Potter 4+5

טוב, אז אני לא יודעת אצל מי נמצא כרגע העותק שלי של הספר הרביעי בסדרה בעברית..
וגם נשארו רק 2 פרסומים להעלות..
אז החלטתי ברוב קולות שהשבוע ושבוע הבא תקבלו רק את האנגלית (סורי) אבל תקבלו עד הספר השביעי..!

היום: ארבע וחמש..

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Riddle House

The village of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House," even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its pace. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied.

The Little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was "creepy."
Half a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there….

(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, chapter one, p. 1, By J.K. Rowling. Scholastic Press)

Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix

Dudley demented

The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing; the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual car-washing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in flower bed outside number four.

(Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix, chapter one, p. 1, By J.K. Rowling. Scholastic Press)

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